Top Cross Training Shoes for Male Athletes in 2017
The desire and appetite to go to a higher level each time you are in CrossFit training help drive growth and new challenges. In order to scale the heights of CrossFit, you need a good collection of shoes you can rely on for your training. There are lots of models from different manufacturers, and at times this leaves some CrossFit athletes confused as to which is the best pair to train with. The following models have been tested through reps and rounds in jumping, lunging, squatting, hitting the floor, and other exercise movements.
The best CrossFit shoes are those that will allow you to push to the limit, but still, maintain stability and flexibility throughout the process. Choosing a specific pair is often difficult, but through extensive reviews, you can settle on some shoes. The following are some of the best CrossFit shoes for your gym workouts.
Nike Metcon 3
This model is known for its stability, exceptional transfer of power during sprinting, and an awesome grip for rope climbs. Based on experience, Metcon 3 has a stable heel and sole which is excellent for heavy squats, carries, and deadlifts. That said, its flexible forefoot shines the most in sprinting, jumping, and burpees. Athletes who have tried this shoe find it particularly grippy on rope climbs and can handle well some of the CrossFit movements categorized as trickier.
Adidas Powerlift 3
This model is exceptional for weightlifting, gives you incredible protection, and it is comfortable on runs. This is one of the CrossFit shoes that have shown surprising versatility in weightlifting. It performs exemplarily well during short runs and when doing deadlifts, cleans, and heavy squats, it remains relatively stable. If you are seeking an edge in heavier lifts competitions, the Powerlift 3 is a smart choice.
No Bull Trainer
This shoe is comfortable and has a durable upper part. Come to think of it; it lives up to the hype. Regarding performance, it gives you an all-around assurance and doesn’t have any glaring weaknesses. It is easy to wear, and you can work out in it for hours both before and after the WOD. Its finish is clean and stylish and can be worn with virtually any casual leave alone CrossFit gear. The No Bull Trainers gives you an elegant solution if you are looking for one pair of shoes you can work out with and at the same time wear to informal events.
Reebok Nano 7.0
The Nano 7 is one of the most popular CrossFit shoes because it does everything. Its features make it favorable in weightlifting. Its slightly elevated and supportive heel provides excellent stability when squatting or receiving heavy cleans. When it comes to squats and Olympic lifts, the Nano 7 outperforms many other shoe models thanks to its stiffer and stable sole.
Other shoes you may consider when hitting the CrossFit gym include Adidas CrazyPower Trainer, Asics Conviction X, and New Balance Minimus 40.