Squat therapy, one of the major CrossFit exercises, has the power to enable you comfortably to perform the difficult positions of squat and at the same time enhance your focus in each squat session so that you can have more gains and lower your risk of injury. In as much as squat therapy is not new, it can be reliably said that few people integrate it into their workout routines. For this reason, you should think about including this therapy in your warm-up whether at the gym or in your CrossFit home workouts. How to Perform the Squat Therapy Knowing the technique of performing squat therapy can enhance your gains and improve your proficiency in CrossFit. The first step is to begin by facing the wall and with your feet position in squat stance. The distance between the wall and where you stand should be approximately 10 to 12 inches. Your focus should be on squeezing your glutes and tightening your abs. With your arms extended above your head, pull your shoulders down and towards the central part of your back so as to activate your lats and scaps. With your weight concentrated towards the back of your foot, rotate your hips externally. At times, you may find your knees touching the wall. This is mostly as a result of initiating the movement with the knees instead of the hips. Keep on practicing this crucial step until you get it right. In CrossFit exercises, you need discipline. Proceed to pull yourself right into the bottom of the squat. The reason this drill is exciting is that it engrains the idea of slowly easing to the bottom of your squat instead of simply dropping down. Restricted mobility in the hips or ankles can cause your chest to pitch forward and your hands to touch the wall during squats. In order to get this behind you, you need to focus on those areas as well as keep your upper back and scaps engaged. While you are at the bottom, you should hold the position for about 2 or 3 seconds, according to people following CrossFit exercises for a long time. If you have a friend watching you, ask them to take a video so that you can afterward see your position and how you looked like while at the bottom of your squat. If you realize you have a wink, the instance when your hips round under at the end and your lumbar spine loaded in a less than ideal position, try focusing more on squeezing your abs and glutes in the course of your movement. As you stand up, be gradual. Ideally, you should come straight up and not pitch forward from your squat. This is because pitching forward strains your lower back. If you find yourself doing this, focus on squeezing your upper back and scaps so that your chest stays up. It is recommended that you repeat your squats for about 10 reps at a speed that enables you to focus on the various portions you need to work on. When you integrate squat therapy into your CrossFit workout schedule, you stand to enjoy massive gains and reduced injuries.
As you step into the CrossFit gym, one of the people you are likely to see more of is your coach. This is the professional who will take you through the basics of CrossFit including the movements, lingo, and how to use the equipment. Unfortunately, the flow of communication between you and your coach is likely to be interrupted by class size, concurrent workouts, distractions, and time-related issues. This notwithstanding, you have a duty as an athlete to get the highest rate of return possible from your coaching. Below are some of the ways to ensure your athlete-coach link is always activated. Arrive Early Athletes who are conscious of time and particularly those who arrive between 10 and 15 minutes early at the CrossFit Gym have the advantage of checking out the WOD of the previous class by watching them finish. This will give you a glimpse of the different scaling options, goals, and targeting times for the workout. You will also give yourself adequate transition time to ramp up mentally and get to the right mindset. Converse with Your Coach The best time to raise any special needs or consideration with your coach is before the workout of the day. You could be having an injury or facing a unique challenge in your exercises. Before the class begins, you can have a one-on-one with your coach as you address these and many other things you may have. Listen Carefully When Your Coach is Talking The discipline of listening is invaluable in CrossFit. Just like when it is cold and you huddle around the fire, listen to your coach as he gives directives on the WOD or simply going through the routines on how to attack workouts and briefing on certain performance and standard issues.Repeating stuff takes away time from you and as such, it is important to get it right the first time. Focus on the Details of Movement Progression The goal in CrossFit Gym is not quantity, but rather quality. Learning movements is all about discipline because when you are in a rush, you cannot quiet your mind and your concentration is not at its best. Watch the coach closely as they give cues on the movement. Focus on improving the little, but often ignored details and retain the little improvements so that over time they can accumulate. Write Down Your Cues If there is a verbal or tactile cue that worked out really well with you, put it down in a log. As an athlete, your way of internalizing things is different from others. For instance, you may find squatting against the wall effective in giving you a better lumbar curve. Keep this inventory of fixes. In addition to the above, stay behind after your day’s CrossFit programme so as to pick the brains of your coach. If there are any recommendations or fixes they made for you, allow them to go into more details as they address the why of the actionable cues you put down in a log.
When starting your journey in any of the CrossFit Gyms, there are several types of equipment that you must get along the way to enable you swiftly transit into this high-intensity field and maximize your experience. It is important to note that this is not a must-have gear, but instead pieces of equipment you will find convenient and useful having if you want to work out regularly and boost your performance. Jump Rope Most CrossFit gyms just have the basic jump ropes that beginners can borrow. To make your workout worthwhile, you should consider getting your own quality jump rope. The important elements in any jump rope include the weight which you should be comfortable with and the ability to customize the length of the rope. Among the benefits of a jump rope include calorie burning, agility building and quickness, increased bone density, and brain exercise. Research indicates that jumping rope even at a moderate pace can help you burn 10 to 16 calories per minute. So, if you want to get lighter on your feet within the first 6 to 12 months of you joining CrossFit, a jump rope can help you attain that. Weightlifting Shoes This is arguably one of the single most important CrossFit gear that will push you towards increasing your strength and enhancing your Olympic weightlifting. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself spending over $200 to get that perfect shoe. There are important aspects that you should be looking for in these shoes such as: The drop – This refers to the difference between the height of the forefoot and that of the heel. Look for a 4mm drop to enable you evenly to distribute your weight across your foot. Hard sore – This gives you stability. Durable outer shoe – When doing tough exercises such as maxi lift the traction on the topside of your shoe is equally important. Weight Belt When attacking heavier weights in movements such as cleans and deadlifts, you need a decent belt which will keep you safe. There is a huge array of belts out there, but it is important to go for the right one. A good belt according to experts from CrossFit Gyms should be long-lasting and sturdy leather is a good material that can serve you for a long time. If you aim to be a competitive powerlifter, get a belt that is tapered in the front 5 to 7 cm wide and at the back 10 cm wide. The thickness should be around 10 to 13 mm so that it can give you a good starting position for deadlift. Wrist Wraps As their name suggests, wrist wraps are quite useful in ensuring your wrists are protected as you start hitting snatches, heavy cleans, and overhead squats in your CrossFit training routine. With about $25, you can get quality wrist wraps. There you go! Check again to see if you have all of the above and in case any is missing, make arrangements and have it zipped in. it is for your own benefit.  
Stretching has been a key component of many pre-workout rituals. However, the latest scientific studies have called this practice into question. The studies suggest that the old-fashioned stretching which for some reason most of us hyped, may not be what it is cracked up to be. The studies recommend mobility as the key that unlocks the true potential of our bodies and which brings us nearer to peak performance. Stretching is not necessarily a bad thing, it is only that it doesn’t safeguard you against injury and it doesn’t produce the much-touted reductions in body muscle soreness following days of CrossFit workout. To get you started with mobility training, the following tips are invaluable. Swapping Out Stretching Instead of spending your energy on static stretching, learn how to embrace dynamic warm-up. Start by completing moves resembling those you shall be doing in your routine, and this will prepare your body adequately for whatever kind of workout, game or practice that lies ahead of you. CrossFit exercises such as the squat and lateral shuffles will serve to elevate your heartrate while at the same time heating up your muscles and moving your joints effectively. Picking the Tools of Trade Mobility goes beyond reach and hold. As an athlete, you need to prepare for the movement by getting the right gear. CrossFit experts recommend that you get three lacrosse balls. Two of the balls should be taped together. After that, get a thick resistance band and a foam roller or PVC pipe. These are the tools you will need for your mobility CrossFit workout. Getting into Action Deep tissue work has been known to be a lifesaver for athletes experiencing muscle soreness. You can save lots of cash by utilizing your mobility tools. Foam rollers and lacrosse balls can start you off with rolling away from your muscle soreness. Self-myofascial release is the term used to refer to self-induced deep tissue massage. At first, it may be a bit torturous, but as you grit it out, it will break scar tissue and enhance circulation. Applying Traction to Muscles The giant rubber resistance band is the piece of equipment you need to turn your attention to after sufficiently rolling your muscle soreness out. There are different ways you can use the stretch band to apply traction or tension to your body muscles. You can start off by looping the band around an anchor bolted to the ground. Then, facing the anchored object, carefully place your hand up and move it through the side of the band with an open end while your palm is facing up in such a way that the band will rest on your wrist. Gradually lift your arm overhead and pull it slowly away from the anchor to let it gently open the space between your shoulder joints and your wrist. You can repeat this move using both your arms. Reassessing You do not have to take months or years to maximize your mobility. In fact, it is advisable that you assess your mobility before you begin your stretch session and after to monitor and evaluate its effectiveness. For instance, if you do a bodyweight squat and then a round of self-massage, you should notice an improvement in positioning. Utilize the feedback you get from reassessment to address deficiencies in your CrossFit programme, upstream and downstream starting from the source of tightness or pain.