What is a Muscle-Up? The Muscle-up is an advanced calisthenics strength training exercise that requires immense upper body strength. It represents your capacity to lift your bodyweight using just your arms and hands. In terms of performance, muscle ups resemble pull-ups in that there is a bar which is located high above the head. When doing pull-ups, you usually hold the bar with your arms and then pull yourself up to the chin level or above. However, when it comes to the Muscle Up CrossFit workout, you first pull yourself up to the waist, groin, or up until your hands can no longer extend forward. As you pull yourself up, you leave your legs dangling. Muscle Ups Benefits Up to this point, you may be wondering why muscle-ups are an essential addition to your workout? Some of the reasons behind this include: Increased Grip Strength If you want to lift heavier weights and increase your rep range, you will need to improve your grip strength. A strong grip is crucial for muscle-ups and other CrossFit exercises such as rope climbs, deadlifts, toes to bar, pull-ups, and farmer's carry. Chalking up a pair of hand grips will help to an extent but performing movements such as pull-ups, arm hangs, chin-ups, and inverted rows on a regular basis will tremendously improve your overall grip strength.  Building Arm Strength In the first instance, the muscle-up is a perfect exercise for every muscle located in your arms. When you perform muscle-ups, you are not just targeting the biceps or triceps separately; you are indeed creating a balance between the growth of both muscles. The result is that your muscle growth will be symmetrical, and the growth will happen complete with strength. Core Body Burn When performing muscle-ups, the arms do the bulk of the work while the rest of the upper body contributes to the goal. When doing each rep, you will find that your upper body clenches and specifically your core muscles. The benefit this provides is similar to that provided by planking. In the end, your belly fat will be melted away, and abs will emerge. If there are a few inches left in the middle, muscle-ups should enable you to develop your core muscles and speed up fat removal around your belly area. Glute Muscles This is another set of muscles that can benefit immensely from muscle-ups. During this CrossFit exercise, your butt muscles clench as you move upwards. This provides a healthy burn. Although it doesn’t compare with crunches whose effects are more significant, it contributes to a much muscular and leaner posterior. This will give you a much better physique. Back Muscles The beneficiaries of muscle ups are not just the front muscles. The back muscles, particularly along the shoulders, tend to be worked out a lot during this move. CrossFitters using muscle ups develop a much wider span of shoulders which may cause the V-shape when combined with a core workout. If you are used to muscle-ups, you can include variations so that your results are boosted. Legs tend to be largely unused during muscle-ups. Through variations, leg muscles can be incorporated as well leading to a whole-body exercise. One thing that you should note is that this exercise is not one that you will automatically pick up and do it well on the first try. You should start small with the bar as low as possible so that you can start building your upper body strength. If you are adding it to your CrossFit training routine, remember to go fast since muscle ups for beginners require a burst of energy.
Pull-up bars are some of the favorite pieces of equipment for any serious CrossFitter looking to enhance his workout. You can have pull-up bars anywhere in your house, and this means you don’t have to visit the CrossFit gym to do your exercises necessarily. Some of the places you can build pull-up bars include at the doorway right outside your house, at the ceiling in your garage gym or the backyard of your house. Pull-up bars are an incredibly efficient piece of equipment and depending on how you use them; you can make the best out of them. That said, some gyms do not have this old-school piece of equipment simply because they have no idea what a pull-up bar can do. To inspire you, the following are some of the exercises you can do with just a pull-up bar and nothing else. Pull Ups These are amazing exercises for the upper body which work out your back muscles. They also strengthen your core muscles and arms, particularly as you master them and your form gets improved. Doing pull-ups is simple. With straight elbows, begin from a dead hang with your palms facing away from you. Keep your shoulders back and your chest up while your core is tightened. Gradually, pull yourself up until your chest comes into contact with the bar. There are lots of variations you can do including jumping pull-ups and flex hangs. If you feel you are not ready for pull-ups, it is advisable you go through some pull-up preparation or mastery sessions first. Burpees Pull Ups Compared to the basic pull up above, burpee pull-ups are more advanced and work on your pull up strength. They also up your heart rate so that pumping of blood to the muscles can be faster. To perform this CrossFit exercise, stand in front of the bar and then drop into a squat position. Let your hands be on the floor as you kick your back into a push-up position. Gradually, lower your body to the floor and do a full push up. Finally jump back to the squat position and up into the air as you do a pull-up. How hard burpee pull-ups are depended on the height of your pull-up bar. Chin Ups These exercises are known for working on your latissimus dorsi muscles as well as your biceps. When you perform chin-ups, your body tends to work together to pull you up to the bar. For this reason, they are categorized as all-around exercises. Like pull ups, chin ups have lots of other variations such as negatives, flex hangs, and jumping chin ups that you can do. L-Sits This exercise is often viewed as a parallette bars exercise and not necessarily as a pull-up bar CrossFit workout. When done through the pull-up bar, they can help enhance your core strength. Other workouts you may do using the pull-up bar include the muscle ups, hanging leg raises, knees to elbows, and hanging knee raises.
When talking about supplements, there are natural and artificial. Most of the supplements you find in stores are a balance between the two. However, for top benefits, you should go for natural supplements which can be found in organic and healthy food sources. When you include supplements in your CrossFit diet, your body gets all the inevitable substances it requires such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Loading with vegetables and fruits is important, but even then, you can miss out on some components of your nutrition. Supplements help in giving your body those nutrients you can’t easily get from your ordinary foods. The following are some of the supplements you should have in your nutrition mix. Maca Maca is a plant grown in Latin America especially the mountains of Peru. Botanically, it is classified as a member of the cruciferous family from which vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage are derived. The supplement is made by drying the maca roots and then grinding them into powder form. This nutrient is also available in other forms such as liquid extract and capsules. Maca roots are known for their protein and carbs content. Their fat content is low, and they contain a fair amount of fiber. In maca, you will find some essential vitamins and minerals including copper, Vitamin C, and iron. There are numerous benefits that come with maca including support for your learning ability and memory, mood enhancement, and anti-depressive effects. Spirulina This blue-green alga has a specific taste and grows naturally around the world. You can find it in Africa, Mexico, Hawaii, in salty lakes and oceans. In terms of nutrients, spirulina has vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, A, C, D, and E. in addition, you will find lots of minerals in it such as phosphorus, manganese, selenium, zinc, and sodium. With its ability to remove toxins from the blood and bind metals in your body, this antioxidant can enhance your CrossFit gym performance by reducing muscle fatigue. If you want to last longer during training and burn fat, this magic green supplement should be on your list. Wheatgrass This grass can be found in moderate climatic zones such as the US and Europe. It is available in the form of fine green powder or liquid. In terms of nutrition, wheatgrass contains vitamin A, C, E, and chlorophyll. Minerals that play a key role in the body system such as calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, and iron can be obtained from this supplement. The role of your immune system in giving you a good gym performance cannot be underestimated. Wheatgrass improves digestion, boosts your immune system, and enhances oxygen levels in your body. This reduces fatigue. Matcha Green Tea There is no major difference between the regular green tea and matcha tea. However, the way matcha is grown is unique. The shaded environment in which matcha green tea is grown enables it to gain higher levels of beneficial compounds including EGCG and ECG antioxidants which protect the body against free radical damage. Much like other green teas, matcha powder helps in treating depression, reducing cholesterol, blood glucose, and cancer cells. During CrossFit workout, matcha tea gives you the much-needed endurance and better muscle recovery. You cannot afford to skip this natural supplement.
Traveling is often associated with minimal activities, and no one can imagine that you can realistically train on the go. Time limits and other activities override the need for training, and you may find yourself through with your trip without a single workout. This can be concerning especially where you spend most of your time traveling either for work or other reasons. The secret to success in training on the go is to plan adequately. The following are some workable tips to enable you to do some CrossFit workouts on your trip. Preparations before Leaving A few things you should do before starting your trip include: Packing Your Gear Having your training gear is in itself an incentive to workout. In case you are wondering what exactly to pack in your bag, think about the following: • Shoes and Workout Clothes – Have at least a set of shoes, bottom, and top. Travel plans are not 100% predictable, and you can take advantage of those opportunities to train. • Jump Rope –This is a bit lightweight and small in size which means you can carry it wherever you go. • Protein and Shaker – The danger of buying your own protein supplements while traveling is that you may be forced to pay more. To avoid such cases, carry your own from home. • Download a Tabata Timer App –The beauty with tabatas is that they are short duration workouts which you can do at any point. The apps are free, and you can download one before you leave for your trip. Training at a Hotel If the hotel you are in has a fitness center, you can easily put together a CrossFit training schedule and get working. This is not as difficult as it may sound especially if you have been in the habit of planning your workouts. CrossFit by its nature is a varied, functional movement done at high intensity. It is all about getting more work done within a short duration. Your exercises do not have to be complicated. Utilize to the max, whatever workout equipment the hotel provides. Some hotel fitness centers may not have pull-up bars or kettlebells, but they may have bumper plates and barbells. Dumbbells These can give you one of the toughest workouts. You may find yourself in a hotel fitness center with poorly designed afterthoughts such as ceiling height and ergonomic features. If you are confronted with such a situation, you can decide to exercise outside. Pool You can use a pool for a WOD. Access to this facility is almost guaranteed in many hotels. The only caution you should exercise is that pool decks can be slippery and using a wet towel as a mat is recommended. This will give you a much better grip on your bare feet. Stairwell The hotel’s stairwell is a piece of equipment you are not likely to see in a CrossFit gym. You can take advantage of this and do interval training. However, because some stairwells are grimy, it is suggested that you put on gloves for your workouts. Irrespective of your options, training while traveling boils down to the personal determination. There are lots of options, and your planning will go a long way into making your workouts worthwhile.
Strategists will tell you that it is much easier to make a plan than to stick to it. People make excuses whenever they are inconsistent with their training and all this affects their outcome in CrossFit training. It all starts with a goal which most people tend to have. The next step is to have a plan that joins the dots from where you are to where your goal is. The third and final step is to work towards attaining the goal through the plan that you have set. This is where most people fail. There will always be athletes who are successful and others who are not. The separator is almost always consistency. Experts say believe that you are what you consistently do on a regular basis. Lack of consistency means you may reach your goals, but it will take a little longer. Applying this approach to CrossFit, there are 3 crucial areas that the spotlight of inconsistency shines on: training, recovery, and nutrition. Training There are two main dimensions of training. The first is the quality of training and the second is the volume of training. The quality of training is all about your approach and mentality. If you do not push yourself hard enough during CrossFit workouts, your peers who challenge themselves will certainly be better than you one day. The nature of human beings is that we do not want to step out of our comfort zones, but the whole essence of CrossFit is to make you uncomfortable so that you can achieve great goals. The second aspect of the volume of training is about decision making. How you prioritize your time will determine the hours you put into the box. Approach each day with a clear focus and plan on what you want to achieve. Recovery Recovery touches on rest as well as active recovery. If you train hard, it is important you plan your day so that you get enough sleep. If you are such person who doesn’t really care, the hours you sleep, and you still want to get up and train in the morning, you may experience inconsistencies in your performance. Target 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Active recovery, on the other hand, is about mobility work and stretching. This part of recovery is important because it enhances your performance and reduces instances of injury. Good functional movements require that you have a consistent warmup and cooldown schedule even if it lasts 10 minutes. Nutrition Having a consistent CrossFit nutrition is not as difficult as training. This is because we all love food and are clear on what we want. You need strict guidelines on your macros, and as you prepare your meals, you must be conscious about muscle building and fat loss. It all boils down to your plan and the commitment you put into it. Go for long-term solutions that you can comfortably stick to. Consistency and excuses cannot coexist. You always have to do your best because this will set you apart as a successful athlete in CrossFit.
Being a CrossFitter is all about learning new exercises challenging your limits and getting fitter. The ring stand push-up is one of the iconic CrossFit workouts you should try out. It was first seen at the 2010 Games, and ever since, it has made comebacks on many different fronts. It is a tough workout, and it tasks even the most qualified and fit human beings on earth. Ring stand push-up is an advanced movement. However, there is no reason that why you cannot achieve it. It is all about pushing your limits. Building the Right Foundations Before attempting this exercise, you have to build basic strength and balance. The following are some of the warm-up and prep exercises to perform. 3 strict pull-ups 3 strict handstand push-ups Freestanding handstand lasting 5 seconds The ring stands handstand push-up is a demanding exercise which requires a good sense of balance. This is because it is performed on equipment that is unstable and moving. It tasks your core to keep you stable over the entire range of motion. To improve balance, start by standing in an upright position with the distance between your feet measuring shoulder width apart. Then, take a 15-kg plate with both hands and raise it gradually above your head with your arms outstretched fully. Ensure your core is tight and adjust the plate until you achieve complete stability and hold in that position for 20 seconds. This CrossFit exercise helps you find your point of balance and trains your memory to keep your body tight in this position. Progression CrossFit is about progression. You need to build up with time by developing and strengthening your body system and technique in stages. When entering the ring handstand push-up position, hang the rings on a mat for the first few times and then grip them with bent arms. Then activate your core and push hard to propel your body and legs into an upright position. It is important to train form and strength before you embark on speed. Flexibility is Critical This exercise requires good flexibility. To wake your body up, ensure you mobilize your shoulders and do quick warm-ups with strict presses and quick presses. To successfully complete ring handstand push-ups, you should work to develop your shoulder stability. Lock Your Feet This is critical in handstand push-ups. To do this, straddle your legs out and then around the straps when you kick your legs up. Using your feet, hook back inside the straps to enable your outer foot to be in contact with the strap material. Position Your Body Vertically To make this cross-training movement efficient, stay as straight and vertical as you can. Your knees, feet, hips, and shoulders should be aligned in a straight vertical line. If your spine is curved, you will have a closed shoulder angle which makes things a little bit harder. The final tip to conquer this movement is to grip the rings. In doing this, keep your wrists tight because allowing them to bend can affect the ulnar nerve. This can have a bad impact on your balance.
When you switch up your CrossFit diet and workout routine, you expect some changes in your muscle growth process. However, this progress may decline or even come to a halt despite your continued efforts. The question many CrossFitters ask is, what causes such a decline in muscle growth? Numerous factors are influencing the ability of your body to pack on gains. Some of these contributing factors include diet, fitness program, sleep schedule, and even your state of mind. Knowing which of these affect you can help in putting you back on the road to packing more muscles. Inadequate Sleep If you are not getting quality sleep every night you go to bed; your muscle growth process will be affected. Sleep inadequacy increases the level of cortisol hormone which wreaks havoc on your human growth hormone. Also, the ability of your body to store glycogen is inhibited, and this has a negative impact on muscle growth. To fix this, target about 71/2 hours of sleep every day and keep your stress levels low as you go to bed. Insufficient Protein Intake If you want to add more muscle, you need to increase your protein intake. The reason is simple; protein has amino acids which are the compounds responsible for repair and buildup of muscle tissue. Failure to consume enough amino acids may hinder muscle growth. As part of your CrossFit nutrition, include approximately 7.7 grams of protein per kilogram of your bodyweight. This means, if you are weighing 200 pounds, your protein intake should range from 109 to 154 grams daily. You can combine both plant-based and animal-based proteins to fuel your muscles. Alcohol Intake Muscle growth tends to be hindered by excessive intake of alcohol. When you drink too much of alcohol, your body system summons the antioxidants used for muscle growth and instead redeploys them to metabolize the alcohol. To fix this, it would be a lot of good to cut out alcohol altogether or limit yourself to 1 or 2 indulgences per week. Also, take several glasses of water so that you can reduce the number of drinks you consume in total. Too Much Cardio Cardio is great for fat loss, but if you overdo it, it can suppress your muscle growth process and instead initiate a muscle-burning or catabolic state. Remember your goals are to increase in strength and size and these cardio workouts must not dominate your workout. You may include high-intensity interval training workouts and some cardio sessions into your workout of the day program, but your priority should be in weight training first. Dehydration It is good if you focus on ingesting proteins and carbs to bulk up, but to stay hydrated is equally important. Water is critical for the digestion process which means if you don’t get enough of it, it negatively impacts the digestion process. Your muscles will lack the essential nutrients, and your CrossFit gym performance will dive. Ensure you train all muscles not just the trophy muscles and mix things up. CrossFit is good at this, and if you maintain the discipline, you will get the best results.
The traps or trapezius refer to the long, triangular-shaped muscle located on the top half of your back. If well developed, traps can change the topography of the upper part of your body. These muscles add size to your shoulders and back and improve strength in almost every upper body lift. The following CrossFit exercises will help you work out these muscles and develop the V-shape torso. Barbell Shrug This is arguably the king of all trap workout movements. They target the upper portion of the traps which are normally responsible for lifting the shoulder blades. Doing a barbell shrug is simple because all you need is to get hold of a barbell through an overhand grip and let the bar hang in front of your waist at arm’s length. Lean forward at your hip while keeping your back naturally arched. Then, gradually bend your knees and shrug your shoulders towards your ears with your arms straight. When you get to the highest point your shoulders can go, reverse the movement back to the beginning position. The Dumbbell Shrug This is somewhat related to the barbell shrug with the exception that it doesn’t stress your shoulder joints as much. This is because your shoulders do not need to rotate to hold the bar. This ensures they remain stable as you perform the workout. Incline Dumbbell Shrug This CrossFit training movement places your body on a low incline bench and targets the lower traps which are often neglected. The lower trapezius is responsible for pulling down your shoulder blades. If ignored, these muscles weaken leading to poor posture and making you vulnerable to injuries. Dumbbell Jump Shrug This workout hits the fast-twitch muscle fibers which are endowed with the greatest potential for strength and size. With the explosive movement of the jump shrug, more power is added to your training program. When doing this exercise, your goal should be to do each rep as fast as possible while at the same time maintaining control of the weight. Barbell Behind the Back Shrug This movement targets the levator scapulae, middle traps, and upper traps. The levator scapulae refer to the rope-like muscle which runs down at the back of your neck. When performing this workout, never stick your head forward or downward. This is because it may result in injury and prevent full activation of your traps. Barbell Row Rowing exercises such as the barbell row target the lower and middle traps as well as rhomboids. These are the muscles that ensure your shoulder blades move as you lift weights. Movement of shoulder blades is very important because unstable shoulders can limit your strength in chest and arm exercises. Your rotator cuff, rear deltoids, and upper traps will also assist during the rowing movement. Overhead Barbell Shrug When you hold the barbell weight above your head and then shrug, it works your upper traps. Additionally, it reduces the emphasis on your levator scapulae which are frequently overused when compared to the upper traps. This CrossFit workout leads to a better posture.Other exercises for your traps include dumbbell lateral raise, snatch grip barbell high pull, dumbbell overhead carry, and scaption.