CrossFit exercises such as lifting, bodyweight training and high-intensity interval (HIIT) training can help you swiftly get in shape?  Boxing, on the other hand, assures both the physical training and burning exercise. With boxing, you can burn up to double the calories in less time while doing the rotational and repetitive movements.  The workout may be a little tougher, but the results are worth the grind. Fighter-Style HIIT CrossFit Exercises Most of the moves in this training are structured as high-intensity interval training. They are short and intense bursts of workouts with minimal rest. This works out multiple muscle groups while at the same time, maintains the healthy heart rate. The workout is divided into three phases as follows: Phase 1 – Bodyweight and Jump Rope Do a set of rope jumping which takes about 2 minutes. Follow this with a set of pushups 10 reps and shoulder tap 1 set, 30 reps. After that, go for rope jumping one set 1 minute, pushups 1 set 15 reps and shoulder tap 1 set 50 reps. After that go back to rope jumping for one set 1 minute. Pick up the repeats and position yourself for pushups: one set with 20 reps and then shoulder tap one set of 70 reps, and one set of rope jumping for one minute. Now do pushups one set i.e. 25 reps, and then finish with shoulder tap of one set with 90 reps. Phase 2 – Boxing Intervals Do a 5 rounds circuit of punches. If you don’t have a boxing bag, you can shadow box using light dumbbells. Phase 3 – High-Intensity Interval Training Full Body Battle This consists of a circuit of 3 to 4 rounds of battling ropes, sledge push, box jump, pull-ups, tire flips, sledgehammer swings, barbell deadlift, and running on a treadmill. Make the rest periods in between movements as shorter as possible. You can do the first and second phases at home, but the third one should be done in a gym. This is because of the access to equipment. Each of the above phases is intense in its own respect, but more importantly, it acts as a forward loop to the next phase. Jumping rope and boxing are two CrossFit exercises that give both your lower and upper body muscles the warm-up to take you through the intense rounds ahead. Between the second and third phase, activate your glute by doing about 15 steps of lateral band walks. In case you do not have a sledgehammer or a tire, you can use a dumbbell as a substitute. Hold the weight between your knees while positioning yourself in a wide squat. Then, jump forward 10 long jumps. Immediately after, do single arm bent-over rows for 10 to 15 reps on either side.      
No doubt that your core is more than just your abs as it is the powerhouse of your body. It facilitates movement as well as houses the central nervous system and inner organs. For this reason, working out your core and strengthening it is an important decision that is loaded with health benefits. Below are some of the benefits that will accrue to you as a result of core strengthening. Injury Prevention Strengthening your core means having core stability and core strength. Core stability is enhanced by the deep internal muscles which lie closer to the spine while core strength has everything to do with the 6-pack abs. Core stability should be prioritized and thereafter core strength. When you have a strong core, your overall fitness will improve, and this minimizes chances of injuries down the road. One simple, but effective CrossFit exercise that will help you build core stability involves drawing in the abdominal muscles and then holding for about 5 breaths before relaxing. When you repeat this, 10 times, it can help you stabilize your core. Protection of Central Nervous System and Inner Organs Protecting the vital systems that lie below your body surface is part of staying healthy. Your core is where your central nervous system and organs do their busy work, but also forms the base for some of the largest veins and arteries of your body. When your core muscles are strong, you will have the guarantee that everything else stays protected as you go about your business of the day. Minimizes Back Pain Back pain is one of the common side effects of a weaker core. When you strengthen your core, it helps bring balance both to the back and front of your body. One of the CrossFit training equipment you can use even while at the office is a stability ball. This will give you a sense of instability which activates your abdominals to stay engaged. Confident Posture People whose cores are strong carry themselves with confidence. Normally, a stronger core is associated with a tall upright posture which exudes strength. It impresses upon people that you are in control of your life. On the other hand, a slumped posture makes you look defeated and weak. For this, you have the reason to do all you can to strengthen your core. When heading to the CrossFit gym, your morale and motivation will keep you going even when things get tough in there. A stronger core gives you a healthy body which in turn makes you feel great. Once you are done developing core stability, you can then concentrate on the superficial core muscles that enable you to build strength which is visible. Exercises such as the bridge and plank are good to get you started.