Cross Training Gym - 5 Things Smart Olympic Weightlifters Know
If you have been training for quite a while, it is likely that you have made some mistakes. Furthermore, the path of learning is laced with failures and successes.
That said, you should aim at learning from what others have done wrong so that you can save time and energy during your CrossFit training program and put it to good use.
Everyone would have wished there was a shorter way to attain their fitness goals. However, there is no simple answer or method and for those who are really after success, they must learn how to spend time under the bar as they engage their unique profile.
To start you off, below are some of the things shared by experts in CrossFit gym, that you should avoid, some to think about, while others to try out.
Identifying and Sticking to a Goal
People with training attention deficit disorder (ADD) feel like their goals are shifting every week. In order to avoid this mistake, identify your goal and stick to it for a period of about 12 weeks and after that reassess your progress.
It is very easy for you to get distracted whenever something good comes up, but with these distractions, you will never know the true value of a program and whether it is a right fit for you.
Avoid a One-Size-Fits-All Approach
A one-size-fits-all CrossFit workout routine would certainly make life much easier. However, this is not the case. You have to experiment and establish your weak points. Even when you are training under the best of coaches, you may struggle in figuring out the best approach for you.
Some CrossFitters adopt online programs that are hyped to be working for some people. The reality is, such programs may not work for you. You need an authentic personalized workout approach to address your needs.
Narrow Your Workout Choices
The access to information is nearing its peak and there is a lot doing rounds. While on one side this is a blessing, looked from another angle, it can be a handicap.
We tend to overthink on the type of CrossFit exercises to do instead of narrowing them down to about 4 or 5 movements and calling it a day. If we could only do this, our workouts would be so much efficient.
Less is More
While we appreciate that we come from backgrounds where no pain no gain is the mantra, sometimes time-capping can help. Your training sessions should be done within a certain timeframe.
Training for longer in CrossFit Gym doesn’t necessarily mean that you will gain more, rather you may be stressing your system, increasing cortisol, and lowering serum testosterone levels which in the long run undermine the very goals you want to achieve. Take breaks in between.
Always Be a Student
No one can comfortably say they are done learning. It doesn’t matter how much you know, there will always be someone or some people who know more than you do.
Look for these experts, take time to study their work, read what they have written, and if possible experiment. Successful weightlifters in the CrossFit gym are those who accept that they do not have a monopoly of knowledge.